What's new in V.4.0.0]
- New, New engine, more responsive and MultiTouch
- New, More KB skin color (White)
- New, SoftEnter, long-press Enter to get new-line in SMS or WhatApps
- New, Use Arabic numbers over Thai numbers
- New, KB height adjustment
- New, (Pro version) support "portforio keyboard"
- New, (Free version) suggest for donation"
What's new in V.3.0.0]
- New, support "slide" keyboard with the following features
- Word suggestion while typing
- Configurable for "Language Switcher" key
- Text Selection by press [Shift+Directional Keys]
- Text Selection Cut/Copy/Paste Cntl+A, Cntl+X, Cntl+C, Cntl+V
(Remark - work with the old version of Android when the cntl key is not supported) - Auto-Capitalization
- MultiTap key, type the shifted character by tap the key twice
- LongTap, type the shifted character by press-and-hold the key
- New, Close button for Suggestion bar to close
- New, Emoticon by swipe from Right-to-Left
- New, Text Selection, Cut/Copy/Paste
- New, More KB skins
- New, Change key stype
- New, (For Pro version) save 9420TKB Setting to SDCard
[Features in V 2.2.1]
- New, code optimization for smoother and faster typing
- New (for donate version), Choose color for font at upper-level
- New, all new skin colors
- New, English 5-row layout (Portrait)
- New, QWERTY layout for English/Thai (Landscape)
- New, Choose keyboard height (Portrait and landscape mode)
- New, Choose (key) font size (Portrait and landscape mode)
- New, resizable preview window
- New, Disable “Full Screen Mode” in Landscape mode
[Options for English-Only Usage]
- No Thai KB, turns off Thai layout
[Main Features]
- 2-Level Keyboard Layout, 2nd-level accessing to capital letters
- accessing by MultiTap, LongTap, and KeyFling
- (New in V.2.1) 2 (more) advanced layouts (Adv Eng/2 and Adv Eng/2 No Delete Key)
- 2 advanced layouts (Adv Eng/1 and Adv Eng/1 No Delete Key)
- 3 advanced layouts for Thai (Thai 5x9Plus, Thai 5x9, and Thai 5x9 No Del Key)
- 2 advanced layouts for Symbols (Adv Symbols and Adv Symbols No Del Key)
- Standard Keyboard Layout, standard layouts existed in previous V2.0
- 3 layouts for English (Stylus, Finger and Finger - No Del Key)
- 3 layouts for Thai
- 3 layouts for Symbols
- Adv Popup KB
- exists only in advanced layout
- Support Swipe, for quickly changing to popup keyboards nearby
- Adv Popup KB/Numberic, for numbers, and mathematic symbols (aboved period)
- Adv Popup KB/Symbol, for symbols (aboved @)
- Adv Popup KB/Navigation-@MyKey, directional keys and @MyKey (aboved KBClose key)
- Popup KB (Standard), are popup keyboards above keys from the 2nd row onward (from bottom)
- Shifted Key, Popup KB contains the shifted key
- Near-by Key, Popup KB contains the nearby keys
- @WebKey, Popup KB contains @WebKey
- (New in V.2.1) Word Suggestion (Eng/Thai)
- (New in V.2.1) @MyWords customizable word (and phase) list (Eng/Thai)
- Auto Capitalization
- Extended Height, extends the keyboard height for small-display devices
- See-thru Preview Text, supporting 2-level layout
- Color and Skin
- 5 skins for main layouts
- 5 colors for popup keyboard
- 7 colors for Suggestion bar
- Show Setting in Th/Eng
- Flexibly Setting, highly flexible for options and timing
[9420TKB Shortcuts and Advanced Swipes]
- 9420TKB Shortcuts
- Delete
- Shifted
- Unshifted
- CapsLock
- KBClose
- KBChange
- KBChange/Backward
- GoToEng
- GoToThai
- GoSymbols
- SelectInputMethod
- FastDel/1 (Del x3)
- FastDel/2 (Del x5)
- FastDel/3 (Del x7)
- FastDel/4 (Del till Space)
- FastDel/5 (Delete All)
- Shortcuts can be accessed by
- Shaking, Short Shake, Long Shake, and Continuous Shake
- Swiping, Swipe
- Swipe, (Swipe Left, Right, Down, and Up)
- Advanced Swipe, (adds additional 4 types)
- Video demonstrates Swipe and Shake Click Here
- Notification, Visual Feedback for executed shortcuts
- Vibration
- Sound
- (New in V.2.1) 9420Inform, News about 9420TKB usages and so on
- No Symbol Keyboard, disable Symbol keyboard
- English Only, changes 9420TKB for English-only usage
- No Thai KB, turns off Thai layout
Previous version