[9420 Thai Keyboard Pro Features]
The features of 9420 Thai Keyboard Pro are the following
- supports splitted keyboard for tablet and phone/landscape (NEW)
- supports screen resize for one-hand typing
- supports any screen sizes and Android R3.0 and onward
- supports physical keyboard
- change language by swiping from Left-to-Right
- typing the shifted letters via FastType (double-tap, long-tap, and fling-up)
- supports Google Voice Recognition (VoiceType)
- supports Emoji characters (number and color vary upon device)
- uses Arabic numbers on Thai keyboard
- includes word suggestion with custom words
- changes color/dimension of the keyboard and upper font
- navigation keys and text selection cut/copy/paste
Figure 1.0a - resizing kb for one-hand typing
Figure 1.0b - splitted kb for tablet and phone/landscape
Figure 1.0c - splitted kb with various sizes
Figure 1.0d - uses Arabic numbers on Thai keyboard
Figure 2.0a - supporting physical keyboard
Figure 2.0b - supporting physical keyboard
Figure 2.0c - supporting physical keyboard
Figure 3.0 - FastType(LongTap, DoubleTap, and KeyFling/Up
Figure 4.0 - Voice Recognition
Figure 5.0a - Emoji (Text mode)
Figure 5.0b - Emoji (Pictorial)
Figure 6.0a - Color and Skins
Figure 6.0b - Font Size (set horizontal and vertical separately)
Figure 7.0 - Custom Words